

Utopia is a group game about personal experiences with oppression and injustice, and navigating hope for the future.

Four players gather in a circle around a projection on the floor. By touching stickers attached to each others bodies, they activate audio clips taken from interviews discussion personal experiences of sexism, racism, mental illness, poverty — or other factors that make life unbearable. These interviews also, in turn, discuss that same person's vision of utopia, a society free of these problems they have experienced.

After hearing these stories, the players are invited to contribute their own vision of utopia to the experience by writing or drawing a description on a block which is then added to a construction in the center of the projection.

This project was made possible through the Technoculture, Art and Games Research Center's Critical Hit: Games Collaboratory and the support of Concordia University and Dawson College and financial contribution of the Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie.